Lilith in Astrology: Meaning and Significance

Lilith, a mythical figure from ancient Mesopotamia, has been the subject of much interest in astrology. Lilith is often referred to as the “dark moon” or the “Black Moon” and is associated with rebellion, independence, and feminine power. In astrology, Lilith is considered an important point in a person’s birth chart and is said to reveal the hidden aspects of their personality.

According to astrology, there are two types of Lilith: Black Moon Lilith and Asteroid Lilith. Black Moon Lilith is the lunar apogee or the point in the moon’s orbit that is farthest away from Earth. Asteroid Lilith, on the other hand, is an actual asteroid that is located between Mars and Jupiter. Both types of Lilith are said to represent the same energy and themes, but they are interpreted differently in a person’s birth chart.

Lilith is often associated with the zodiac sign of Scorpio and is said to represent the “shadow” side of this sign. This means that Lilith is associated with taboo subjects, sexuality, and power dynamics. However, Lilith’s influence can be felt in all areas of a person’s life, not just in matters of love and sex. Understanding Lilith’s placement in a birth chart can provide insight into a person’s deepest desires, fears, and motivations.

Understanding Lilith

Lilith is a point in astrology that is often associated with the darker, more taboo aspects of femininity. It is not a planet, but rather a point in space that is calculated based on the orbit of the Moon around the Earth. There are three different Liliths that are commonly used in astrology: Black Moon Lilith, Dark Moon Lilith, and Mean Apogee.

Black Moon Lilith is the most commonly used Lilith in astrology. It is the point in space that is farthest from the Earth on the Moon’s elliptical orbit. Dark Moon Lilith is the point in space that is closest to the Earth on the Moon’s elliptical orbit. Mean Apogee is the average point in space where the Moon is farthest from the Earth.

In astrology, Lilith is often associated with themes of sexuality, power, and rebellion. It is said to represent the aspects of femininity that have been suppressed or rejected by society. Lilith is also associated with the shadow self and can indicate where a person may have repressed emotions or desires.

When interpreting Lilith in a birth chart, it is important to consider its sign and house placement, as well as any aspects it may make to other planets. For example, Lilith in Scorpio may indicate a person who is deeply in touch with their own sexuality and desires, while Lilith in the 10th house may indicate a person who rebels against authority and traditional societal expectations.

Overall, Lilith is a complex and nuanced point in astrology that can provide insight into the darker aspects of femininity and the shadow self. It is a valuable tool for those who are interested in exploring the deeper aspects of their own psyche and sexuality.

The Three Liliths

Astrology recognizes three Liliths: Black Moon Lilith, Dark Moon Lilith, and Asteroid Lilith. Each of these Liliths has a distinct meaning and interpretation in astrology.

Black Moon Lilith

Black Moon Lilith is the most commonly used Lilith in astrology. It is the point in space where the Moon is furthest from the Earth. Black Moon Lilith is associated with rebellion, independence, sexuality, and the dark side of the Moon. It represents the primal, raw, and untamed aspects of our nature. Black Moon Lilith is often linked to women who refuse to conform to societal norms.

Dark Moon Lilith

Dark Moon Lilith is another important Lilith in astrology. It is the point in space where the Moon is closest to the Earth. Dark Moon Lilith is associated with hidden or repressed desires, fears, and emotions. It represents the unconscious aspects of our nature. Dark Moon Lilith is often linked to women who have been oppressed or marginalized in some way.

Asteroid Lilith

Asteroid Lilith is the least commonly used Lilith in astrology. It is a physical asteroid that orbits between Mars and Jupiter. Asteroid Lilith is associated with the balance between the masculine and feminine energies within us. It represents the integration of our shadow self with our conscious self. Asteroid Lilith is often linked to women who have a strong sense of self and are not afraid to express their true nature.

In summary, each Lilith has its own unique meaning and interpretation in astrology. Black Moon Lilith is associated with rebellion and sexuality, Dark Moon Lilith is associated with hidden desires and emotions, and Asteroid Lilith is associated with the integration of our shadow self with our conscious self.

Lilith in Astrological Signs

Lilith is an important point in astrology that represents the dark, mysterious, and often misunderstood side of femininity. The position of Lilith in a person’s birth chart can reveal a lot about their hidden desires, fears, and motivations. In this section, we will explore the meaning of Lilith in each of the astrological signs.


Lilith in Aries represents a fierce and independent spirit that refuses to be controlled by others. People with this placement are often rebellious and have a strong desire to be the leader in every situation. They can be impulsive and quick to anger but also have a great deal of energy and passion.


Lilith in Taurus represents a deep connection to the earth and the physical world. People with this placement are sensual and grounded, with a strong sense of their own worth. They can be stubborn and resistant to change but also have a great deal of patience and endurance.


Lilith in Gemini represents a curious and adaptable spirit that is always seeking new experiences and knowledge. People with this placement are excellent communicators and have a quick wit. They can be fickle and easily distracted, but also have a great deal of mental agility and flexibility.


Lilith in Cancer represents a deep emotional connection to family and home. People with this placement are nurturing and caring, with a strong sense of empathy. They can be moody and easily hurt but also have a great deal of intuition and psychic ability.


Lilith in Leo represents a strong desire for attention and recognition. People with this placement are confident and charismatic, with a natural flair for drama. They can be arrogant and self-centered but also have a great deal of creativity and passion.


Lilith in Virgo represents a perfectionist streak and a desire for order and control. People with this placement are analytical and detail-oriented, with a strong sense of duty and responsibility. They can be critical and nitpicky but also have a great deal of intelligence and practicality.


Lilith in Libra represents a desire for harmony and balance in relationships. People with this placement are charming and diplomatic, with a natural sense of fairness and justice. They can be indecisive and conflict-avoidant but also have a great deal of grace and social skills.


Lilith in Scorpio represents a deep, intense, and often dark sexual energy. People with this placement are passionate and magnetic, with a strong sense of power and control. They can be obsessive and possessive but also have a great deal of depth and insight.


Lilith in Sagittarius represents a desire for freedom and adventure. People with this placement are optimistic and enthusiastic, with a natural love of travel and exploration. They can be reckless and irresponsible but also have a great deal of wisdom and philosophical insight.


Lilith in Capricorn represents a desire for success and achievement. People with this placement are ambitious and hardworking, with a natural sense of discipline and responsibility. They can be cold and calculating but also have a great deal of wisdom and practicality.


Lilith in Aquarius represents a desire for individuality and rebellion against authority. People with this placement are innovative and unconventional, with a natural sense of social justice and equality. They can be detached and aloof but also have a great deal of insight and originality.


Lilith in Pisces represents a deep connection to the spiritual world and the collective unconscious. People with this placement are intuitive and compassionate, with a natural sense of empathy and sensitivity. They can be escapist and prone to addiction but also have a great deal of creativity and imagination.

Lilith in Astrological Houses

Lilith’s placement in the astrological houses can reveal a lot about a person’s deepest desires, fears, and hidden motivations. Here is a brief overview of Lilith’s significance in each house:

1st House

Lilith in the 1st house can indicate a strong need for independence and a desire to break free from traditional norms. These individuals may be seen as rebellious and unconventional, and they may struggle with issues of self-identity.

2nd House

Lilith in the 2nd house can indicate a strong desire for material possessions and financial security. These individuals may be prone to indulgence and may struggle with issues of self-worth.

3rd House

Lilith in the 3rd house can indicate a strong desire for communication and self-expression. These individuals may have a talent for writing or speaking and may struggle with issues of self-doubt.

4th House

Lilith in the 4th house can indicate a strong connection to family and home. These individuals may have a deep emotional bond with their roots and may struggle with issues of abandonment or rejection.

5th House

Lilith in the 5th house can indicate a strong desire for creative expression and attention. These individuals may be drawn to the arts and may struggle with issues of self-expression and validation.

6th House

Lilith in the 6th house can indicate a strong desire for perfection and control. These individuals may be prone to obsession and may struggle with issues of self-criticism and anxiety.

7th House

Lilith in the 7th house can indicate a strong desire for partnership and balance. These individuals may be drawn to intense relationships and may struggle with issues of codependency.

8th House

Lilith in the 8th house can indicate a strong connection to the darker aspects of life. These individuals may be drawn to taboo subjects and may struggle with issues of power and control.

9th House

Lilith in the 9th house can indicate a strong desire for knowledge and exploration. These individuals may be drawn to travel and may struggle with issues of dogmatism and narrow-mindedness.

10th House

Lilith in the 10th house can indicate a strong desire for success and recognition. These individuals may be driven to achieve their goals and may struggle with issues of self-doubt and imposter syndrome.

11th House

Lilith in the 11th house can indicate a strong desire for community and social justice. These individuals may be drawn to activism and may struggle with issues of alienation and rejection.

12th House

Lilith in the 12th house can indicate a strong connection to the spiritual realm. These individuals may be drawn to mysticism and may struggle with issues of escapism and addiction.

Interpreting Lilith Aspects

When interpreting Lilith aspects in astrology, it is important to understand the significance of Lilith in relation to the rest of the chart. Lilith represents the shadow side of the individual, the parts of themselves that they may repress or deny. Aspects to Lilith can reveal how these shadow aspects manifest in the individual’s life.

A conjunction between Lilith and a planet or point in the chart can indicate a strong influence of Lilith in that area of life. For example, a Lilith-Moon conjunction may indicate a tendency to repress emotions or difficulty expressing them. A Lilith-Mars conjunction may indicate a tendency towards aggression or impulsiveness.

Oppositions to Lilith can indicate a struggle between the individual’s conscious and unconscious selves. For example, a Lilith-Sun opposition may indicate a struggle between the individual’s ego and their repressed desires. A Lilith-Pluto opposition may indicate a struggle between the individual’s need for power and control and their fear of their own shadow.

Squares to Lilith can indicate tension and challenges in integrating the shadow aspects of the self. For example, a Lilith-Venus square may indicate a struggle to reconcile the individual’s sexuality with their desire for love and connection. A Lilith-Saturn square may indicate a struggle to express the individual’s true self in the face of societal expectations and limitations.

Trines and sextiles to Lilith can indicate ease and support in integrating the shadow aspects of the self. For example, a Lilith-Jupiter trine may indicate a natural ability to explore and express the individual’s deepest desires and beliefs. A Lilith-Neptune sextile may indicate a natural ability to connect with the spiritual and mystical aspects of the self.

Overall, interpreting Lilith’s aspects can provide valuable insights into the individual’s relationship with their shadow self and how it manifests in their life.

Lilith and Feminine Power

Lilith is often associated with feminine power and rebellion against patriarchal norms. In astrology, Lilith represents the suppressed and marginalized aspects of the feminine psyche. It is said to be the darker, more primal side of femininity that has been repressed by societal norms.

Many astrologers believe that Lilith represents the feminine power that has been denied and oppressed throughout history. It is seen as a symbol of the struggle for women’s rights and equality. Lilith is also associated with sexuality, sensuality, and the erotic. It is believed to represent the power of female sexuality and the ability to embrace one’s own desires without shame or guilt.

However, it is important to note that Lilith is not necessarily a positive or negative influence in a person’s chart. It can represent both the shadow and the light aspects of femininity. It is up to the individual to embrace and integrate these aspects of themselves in a healthy and balanced way.

Overall, Lilith is a complex and multifaceted symbol in astrology that represents the power and potential of the feminine psyche. It is a reminder that the feminine is not to be feared or suppressed, but rather celebrated and embraced in all its forms.

Lilith in Synastry

When Lilith is involved in synastry, it can bring intense energy and powerful connections between two people. This can manifest in both positive and negative ways, depending on the specific aspects and placements involved.

One common aspect to look for when examining Lilith in synastry is the conjunction. If one person’s Lilith is conjunct the other person’s personal planets (such as the Sun, Moon, or Venus), it can create a strong sexual attraction and intense chemistry between the two individuals.

However, if Lilith is making a hard aspect (such as a square or opposition) to the other person’s personal planets, it can bring up power struggles, jealousy, and even feelings of betrayal.

It’s important to note that Lilith is not always easy to handle in relationships, and it can bring up deep-seated fears and insecurities. It’s essential for both individuals to communicate openly and honestly about their feelings and boundaries to avoid any potential conflicts.

Overall, Lilith in synastry can be a powerful force that brings two people together in a profound and transformative way. However, it’s essential to approach this energy with respect and awareness to avoid any potential negative consequences.

Lilith in Transit

Lilith in transit refers to the position of Lilith in the sky at any given moment. This can have an impact on an individual’s life, depending on the placement of Lilith in their birth chart.

When Lilith is in transit, it can bring up issues related to power, sexuality, and personal freedom. It can also bring up past traumas and unresolved issues. It is important to be aware of these themes and to work through them in a healthy way.

During Lilith’s transit, it is common for individuals to feel a sense of restlessness or rebellion. This can manifest in a desire to break free from societal norms or to assert one’s independence in a relationship. It is important to be mindful of these impulses and to channel them in a constructive way.

Lilith’s transit can also bring up issues related to gender and sexuality. It is important to be open and accepting of oneself and others during this time. It is a time to embrace one’s true self and to let go of societal expectations and norms.

Overall, Lilith’s transit can be a powerful time of self-discovery and growth. By being aware of the themes that may arise during this time, individuals can navigate this period with greater ease and clarity.